New Resource Helps Telecommuters Find Legitimate Work-At-Home Jobs
Released on = October 16, 2006, 5:22 pm
Press Release Author = Leslie Truex
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = While telecommuting shows a steady rise, so does the number of people falling victim to work-at-home scams particularly on the Internet. A new online resource provides reviews of work-at-home job information and resources found online.
Palmyra, VA - Of 135.4 million American workers, 45.1 million worked from home at least part of the time in 2005 according to research conducted for ITAC by The Dieringer Research Group as part of Dieringer\'s 2005 American Interactive Consumer Survey. However, while telecommuting shows a steady rise, so does the number of people falling victim to work-at-home scams particularly on the Internet. Between 2004 and 2005, Internet scam reports rose 12% according to the National Consumers League (NCL).
Fortunately, telecommuting wannabes now have a new resource they can check before embarking on a work-at-home job search. Work-At-Home Jobs Reviewed launched in June 2006 provides telecommuting information and reviews on many resources future telecommuters can use to guide their work-at-home job search.
\"The difficulty people have in finding legitimate work from home jobs,\" reports Leslie Truex, the owner of Work-At-Home-Jobs Reviewed and a veteran telecommuter, \"is that they don\'t understand telecommuting so they don\'t look for the right jobs in the right places.\"
Truex says that many people go online or search classified ads for \"easy\" jobs that simply require signing up such as typing, data entry or envelope stuffing. \"If people would take a second to think, \'Have I ever met anyone making money envelope stuffing?\' they might reconsider. After all, if it is so lucrative, surely you\'d meet one person doing it.\" Truex admits there are some legitimate typing and data entry jobs done from home, but she is quick to clarify that those employees first passed an interview process that likely included a typing test. \"You won\'t ever just sign up for a work at home job. Work-at-home jobs are like traditional jobs in that employers are looking for qualified and experienced people to fill a specific job. The process of getting a work-at-home job is the same; resume, interview, hire.\"
Truex, who has been working from home and online since 1998 and wrote Jobs At Home: A Complete Guide to Finding and Creating a Work-At-Home Job, created Work-At-Home Jobs Reviewed to help people learn about telecommuting and guide them in the right direction. \"When you understand what types of jobs are most suited to telecommuting, what companies use telecommuters and why, and where these companies post their jobs, you can find these jobs and avoid scams.\"
Truex offers three important rules to finding a work-at-home job:
1) Know what skills and experiences you have to offer an employer and do your job search based on how those skills match job descriptions. 2) Prepare a professional resume and make sure all written and phone communication is professional. I\'m always surprised when I get an email that says, \"i\'m desperate to work at home. i can type.\" This note does not exude confidence, professionalism or a basic knowledge of writing. 3) Never, ever pay money to get hired. It is okay to invest in job search services such as resume writing or to access a quality job database, but legitimate employers NEVER charge you for anything; not to process paperwork, not to cover their expenses, nothing!
You can learn more about telecommuting and sign up for Truex\'s free newsletter by visiting
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Contact Details = Leslie Truex
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